Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Growth Mindset: Life Lessons from Creative People

Today I decided to watch Julie Burstein's TED talk called "4 Lessons in Creativity."

Unfortunately, I didn't feel as inspired to pursue any creative endeavors or to find ways in which to insert creativity into my life from this talk. It was really interesting to listen to because the stories that she told were about some pretty interesting people, but I found that her "4 Lessons" were kind of vague. She showed how they applied to artists in specific stories, and I could see it, but when she said that they applied to all of us without really explaining what we can do in our lives to add creativity, I was really disappointed.

Letting go, embracing challenge, pushing limits, and loss - these are all good lessons for us to learn in life, but I think her explanations of the lessons were kind of specific to creative people and not universal in the way I was hoping.


Tilted Spheres, a work by 
Richard Serra (artist discussed in one of Burstein's stories)

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