Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Story: Celeste the Best

Celeste was 17-years old, about to begin her first day at a new school. She was a fair-haired brunette with slightly tanned skin. She wasn't beautiful, but rather average in just about every way. Average height, average weight, average body-type. She wouldn't stand out at all, in fact, if it weren't for one little thing. 

Celeste was extraordinarily fascinating. And because of this, there wasn't a person in her new school that didn't want to be her best friend. She was not only kinder than Mother Theresa herself, but her laugh was infectious - like that of one's first child. She was sporty, musically-inclined, and a die-heard computer gamer. All of the kids in her new school gossiped about her, and soon her popularity shot up like a rocket.

Celeste however, was completely unaware of how well she was getting along with everyone. She thought she had a few friends, but in actuality, her high school claim to fame flew completely under her radar. She probably should have suspected something when her phone's memory was completely filled up by the end of the first week, but her ignorance continued for several weeks thereafter.

Her ignorance was, in this case, bliss. 

About halfway into the semester, Celeste's Speech teacher assigned her and her classmates a project which would forever change her life. The project involved partnering up with a classmate and taking turns interviewing one another. The entire class jumped to try and partner up with Celeste, so the teacher Mr. Hull was forced to assign partners. Jared, one of the wide receivers on the school football team, was to work with Celeste. 

After school, Celeste and Jared rode back to Celeste's place, chatting merrily about how college football was far more entertaining than the NFL. They worked on their mock interviews, both helping one another decide on questions, designing their fake companies, and how they were going to videotape the whole ordeal. 

Two hours later, after they had finished recording, Jared suggested that they watch their interview to make sure that everyone turned out okay. Though she didn't know it yet, this was about to be Celeste's greatest mistake. 

Jared pressed the play button. Upon seeing herself answer the first of Jared's questions, Celeste was struck by her prompt response, melodic voice, and charming dimple-ridden grin. This couldn't be me in the video, could it? I'm so... so... amazing! This had to have been dumb luck, or something, right? 

But Celeste wasn't lucky, because her reaction was of equal shock and awe when she saw herself answer the rest of the interview questions. 

Cartoon girl, image by 

"So, what'd you think? I thought we did a good job.", said Jared as the video ended. 

Stunned, Celeste took a moment, then responded sharply, "I was great! I can't believe it's really me in that video." 

Shutting off the camera, Jared replied, "Uh, yeah, haha... you did do well. Well listen, I'll go ahead and upload it to the school website, and I'll see you - " 

"NO WAIT! Can I see it again? I just really, really want to watch myself be interviewed again."

"Uhhh... ", uttered Jared, dumbfounded.

"You know what? You should just let me upload the video. I know how to work the camera software anyway, plus it's already here! Don't you see, it makes sense!", Celeste said, pleadingly.

Jared agreed hesitantly, but gave in. After he left, Celeste ripped the SD card from the video camera and shoved it roughly into the computer's slot. Clicking furiously, she demanded that her computer's media player read faster than it was physically capable of doing. Her impatience subsided when the clip rolled, and she saw herself answer the first question again. Then she watched it again. And again. And again. Celeste was stuck now in a vortex of boundless self-interest that had built up secretly due to her neglect of it. Now it was an uncontrollable beast, unwavering despite the numerous phone calls and text messages from Celeste's classmates that now went ignored, as did everything that did not involve Celeste or her extraordinary personality. 


Author's Note: I decided to do this story because narcissism is such a well-known concept in our society, and it isn't always meant in the same way as the original story described it. Narcissus was obsessed with his own physical beauty, but in this story, I explored a version where the main character falls in love with her own personality, not appearance.

Bibliography: "Narcissus sees himself and falls in love" from Ovid's Metamorphoses, translation by Tony Kline. Source.


  1. Hi Joe,

    This was a really interesting take on a classic story. "Narcissus" is a tale that everyone is vaguely familiar with, but only due to the word narcissism. So being able to actually understand what the original story entails provided some fun insight. I also enjoyed your idea to push this into the 21st century as well as choose her personality as the source of her narcissism. This story definitely still holds a prevalent lesson for all of us to learn. Great job overall!


  2. Oh high school, the nostalgia is real in this story. I was able to identify the inspiration of this story when you mentioned that watching the tape would be her biggest mistake. I really enjoyed how you were able to translate this classic story into a modern one that is relatable to everyone. Whether we ourselves were the narcissist or if we knew somebody who was, it was a very relatable story. I look forward to reading your other stories throughout the semester.

  3. I love the high school affect you put on this story! It makes it so much more relatable to people our age and younger. Really cool. I also liked how without even reading the original story, I could grasp what the concept was about just through reading yours. This was very well written and I cannot wait to read more of your stories. Keep it up!
