Monday, September 26, 2016

Reading Notes: Japanese Mythology, Part B

The Labors of Yamato - The Grotto of Love

Something about the poem at the beginning of this story is really creepy to me. 

Wow, Yamato is a hard guy to please. Apparently, a princess is only worth it if she's in need of saving. I understand the need to chase some sort of passion, but I don't think it's healthy for danger to be your passion! (Story idea: Yamato tries a bunch of ridiculously dangerous things for no reason, getting increasingly injured while doing them)

"Deathless love" sounds a lot better than "loveless death."

Welp, now Yamato has found a woman who challenges him. I wonder if he's bitten off more than he can chew with this "Golden Apple" business.

The Labors of Yamato - The Golden Apple

I actually really, really enjoyed the verses in this poem-story. The rhymes were very fluid and the story they told was also enjoyable. 

The Labors of Yamato - The Demon Boar

I didn't actually think about it before now, but Yamato is pretty comparable to Heracles. Was there influence between these two stories? 

Ah, well that was kind of anti-climactic, albeit realistic.

The boar story made up for it though. I really liked the random, gory details which contrasted well against Yamato's non-adventure.

The Labors of Yamato - The Grass-Cleaving Sword

All I can think about when I hear the title of the story is The Legend of Zelda, because in the video games Link would constantly cut grass to try and find rupees.

"ghostly sounds"

Good attribution at the end there to Tacibana. She was truly the hero that day!

The Labors of Yamato - The Sacred Sword

Wow, what a terrible guy! Yamato is so mean to Tacibana, despite the fact that she just saved his life. She should be the one running off to chase sirens.

Why would Benten leave the Sacred Sword with a mortal deer? Why wouldn't she just deliver the sword to Susanoo himself? 

The Labors of Yamato - The Dragon

Such a sad story, but mostly because Tacibana sacrificed herself for Yamato. It was a predictable outcome, but it was still sad to see that happen. She was the only character I liked.

The Quest of the Jewel

Here's another story about a quest to return a stolen object taken specifically by Benten. People will do crazy things for love. 

Image from the Golden Apple via the UnTextbook

Bibliography: Stories from Romance of Old Japan, Part I: Mythology and Legend by E.W. and F. Champney. Source.

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