Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 8 Reflections

1. Reading

I've done a pretty good job of taking notes on the readings. I don't take notes on every story, but I try to find interesting narrative choices or characters to cling onto.

I will say that sometimes I'm not always looking forward to a story. In the weeks where I didn't write a story, a large part of it was because I didn't really have any inspiration from the readings I did.

For the next half of the semester, I'm going to try out a few different note-taking styles instead of just trying to take notes on every story within a reading.

2. Writing

My stories have really been hit or miss. Sometimes I get really into the idea that I've thought up, but other times, it seems like a complete struggle to get words out. I'm not sure why this is. I think I just need to start doing more of it and maybe increase the quality of my note-taking.

If I spread out my story writing over a few days, it should be easier. It'll be like I'm exercising my writing muscle more than just doing it in one large chunk over the week.

3. Connecting

I have a hard time giving criticism. I often find very easy mistakes, like typos and misspellings, but the bigger mistakes, like story choices and writing advice I'm not so good at. It might be due to the fact that I'm not a great writer myself, but really I have no idea. Also a lot of this stuff is subjective, which makes it harder to give valid criticism.

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