Monday, October 31, 2016

Reading Notes: King Arthur, Part A

The Drawing of the Sword

Ah, the classic first Arthurian tale. I actually hadn't read this story before. It's the only Arthurian legend that I know, so from here on our things should get interesting.

It's also funny how all the new groups of people didn't believe in Arthur, so he had to continuously show bigger and bigger groups of people that he could pull the sword out.

I guess nobody really did have authority at that time.

The Questing Beast

Wow, poor horsie. That must have been quite a chase. I wonder if the deer was mystical, and this was a test for the young king?

That was... different. I was expecting Arthur to perform his heroic quest, but really it ended... not anticlimactically, but just more calmly. Less action and more thinking,  I would say.

The beast was described rather vaguely, which leaves room for a story to be written about it. It really could be anything!

I also really want to know more about the nephew that is going to destroy Arthur and his knights. Is it inevitable? Merlin seems to think so, and he knows all...

The Sword Excalibur

I wonder if I'll get to find out what the Lady of the Lake is going to ask of Arthur. If not, that could be a story idea! (I guess it could be one regardless.)

The Round Table

Merlin does advise King Arthur a lot! Since he does it so often, it would humorous to write a story where Merlin advises Arthur on modern-day things (maybe time travel?), such as which toothpaste brand to purchase, or what Halloween costume is most fitting for a King.

What does being a Knight entail exactly? If it's prestigious, why is Arthur knighting everyone who asks for it? I would think, if I was one of the knights who actually worked very hard to become one, that I would be pretty upset that these young, inexperienced men were granted knighthood for doing nothing.

The Passing of Merlin

Poor Merlin :(

I didn't realize that he would be capable of falling in love with someone (for some reason being so wise makes me think he would be resistant to that sort of thing), but I guess that was one area he couldn't be wise about.

I hope he comes back!!

King Arthur and Morgan le Fay

Wow, what an intense series of events this story was.

I really like Morgan's character because she's really clever and also bloodthirsty. It seems messed up that she is trying to kill Arthur, her own brother, but then again, the love of her life was slain by him so.... I think I can understand that.

The Quest of the Holy Graal

Huh, that's a pretty interesting and probably true for most ancient stories. Translation is tough!

The King's Pilgrimage

That was a really neat story. I liked the fact that it revolved around a relatively minor character because it shows an interesting diversion from the traditional hero story arc. Also, it involves the supernatural, which is that the dream affected him in reality, which is cool to see.

Definitely could do this with any minor character, or even a major character, and have it be interesting.

The Coming of the Holy Graal

First of all let me just say: having a Holy Graal would be awesome! I couldn't imagine getting my most desired food served magically right out of the air. I guess the Knights agreed as well, because they thought it was important enough to go on a potentially life-threatening quest to seek out this Graal.

It was a strange turn of events. I wonder if this is the prophecy foretold by Merlin?

File:Innsbruck 1 262.jpg

Statue of King Arthur in Austria

Bibliography: King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table by Andrew Lang. Source

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